Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Meeting 5 in Hebrew 12/9/15

Quiz no 5  Lessons 21-27 and  Vocabulary from 1-7.
Assigment: Translate from Hebrew to English: nos. 14, 15, 16, 17  - p. 54.

Lessons for the Day:
no. 28 The Personal Pronouns
no. 29 The Regular Verb (Perfect)
no. 30 More Nouns in the Absolute and Construct States
no. 31 Feminine Sigular Nouns with Suffixes
no. 32 The Demonstrative Adjectives
no. 33. The Prepositions with suffixes
Vocabulary 8 and 9

Assignment during the Christmas Break (at least 5 minutes a day)
1) Exercises nos. 10-19 on p. 64 (Hebrew to English)
2) Memorize the paradigm of the suffixes ("Horse"), p. 50 no. 25
3) Memorize the paradigm of the Verbs in Perfect ("He Kept"), p. 56 no. 29

New Year's Quiz on January 6, 2016:
Quiz no 6: Vocabulary 1-9; Translate from Hebrew to English.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Meeting 4 in Hebrew (12/2/15)

Quiz no. 4 Exercises 1-4 and translation of Hebrew to English sentences.

21 The Conjunction
22 The Interrogative Pronouns
23-24 The Absolute and Construct States
25 Pronominal Suffixes
26 The Inseparable Prepositions with Suffixes
27 The Sign of the Definite Object
Vocabulary 5, 6, and 7

Quiz 5 on 12/9/15 Covers Lessons 21-27 and  Vocabulary from 1-7.
Assigment: Translate from Hebrew to English: nos. 14, 15, 16, 17  - p. 54.